Friday, March 17, 2006

"La Huacachina"legend

A trip around" LA HUACACHINA" lagoon

On september12th .Mishel and her brother went to "LA HUACACHINA" lagoon.They had never been before there.Mishel meet a lot of friends there .Everyday,she took a shower with her friends ,but her brother was afraid of the terrible legend .The legend is about a woman and a man .She was pretty nice girl who fell in love with a strange man and her father didnt understand ,so tha girl decided to leave the village .Her father got very angry and told his workers to look for her.
One day ,a worker meet her in front of a mirror and he said:Wow!!! so he broke the mirror and suddenly the woman fell to the ground .The mirror got into a big lagoon with her .Now people call the lagoon "LA HUACACHINA" .

The legend says that the woman became a siren and each year a man dies in the lagoon.

(this legend is peruvian)

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Anabelli Trejo Torres