Thursday, September 27, 2007

espontaneous questions


1. What do you want for your birthday?
ummm, a vacation!!! ..haha

2. Who will be your next kiss?
i dunno?

3. When was the last time you went tothe mall?

4. Are you wearing socks right now?
n o p e

5. How did you spend your summer?
sleep + computer / msn

6. Have you been to the cinema in thelast 5 days?
nope, but i have been their 2 weeks ago..

7. What was the last thing you had todrink?
W a t e r

8. What are you wearing right now?
t-shirt + shorts

9. What was your last purchase?
pizza @ Pizza Pizza

10.What was the last food you ate?

11. Who would be the person you wouldcall if you were up in the middle ofthe night and couldn't sleep?
no body , i usually chat on msn / Face - book- ing

12. Have you bought any clothing itemsin the last week?
n o 13.

Do you have a pet?
right now, i have 2 fishes

14. What made you laugh in the last 5days?
just that Youtube clip i watch at library

15. If you could be anywhere rightnow, where would you be?
i would be in Japan stalking DBSK!!! ..lolz

16. What is the last thing youpurchasedonline?
nothing , i never bought something on 9 ( besides, i dun have credit card

17. One thing you hate about yourself?
..... dumb

18. What's your favorite soup?
i love MISO soup the most for some reason , but i do love Chinese soup

19. Do you miss anyone?

20. What are your plans for the day?
HWK ( math) + review ( math+ bio )

21. Last person you msg'd?
i dunno remember..

22. Ever went to camp?...outdoor camp?
...n o p e

23. Are you a good student in school?
...... no......

24. What do you know about the (your)future?
al i can think of is sliping x__x

25. Are you wearing any perfume orcologne?

i dont wear any too lazy to wear 1! XD

26. Where is your best friend rightnow?
at home, enjoying her sleep TT

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