Thursday, November 15, 2007
tvxq's cars??
concierto en Taiwan y China
Rough translate:Due to typhoon the make up concert for the 6/10 Taiwan concert has been set for the 10th MAY 2008 at Taibei Arena (which is the bigger undercover stadium for big events) which can hold 11000 seats. People who brought tickets originally for the 6/10 concert that still can't make it to next years performance can go to Vega168 company between the 3rd-7th of December for returns, or mail to company or can call the help line 02-27721200.As there are still many problems that still have to be solve as the concert is held at the Taibei Arena this time, when tickets go on for sale is still to be determine.
Date set for TVXQ Shanghai's concert is the 31st May 2008 at the Hongkou Soccer Stadium.Ticket selling dates are also to be determineVega168 will update their website with details of the selling of tickets in the near future
Despues de la cancelacion del concierto del 6 de oct en Taiwan,por el tifon.Este mismo se programado para realizarse el 10 de mayo del 2008en Taibei Arena(estadio q se usa solo para eventos especiales y multitudinarios).Las persona que compraron las entradas originalmente para el 6 de oct pasado tendran q apersonarse a la compañiaVega 168 para q se les realice la revalidacion de sus tickets .enviar un e-mail o llamar al 02-27721200.Ya que hay muchos inconvenientes debido a este problema.
El concierto que TVXQ dara en Shangai se realizara el 31 de mayo del 2008 en el estadio Hongkou Soccer.La fecha en la que saldran a la venta las entradas para este concierto todavia no se han dado a conocer.La fecha al igual que otros detalles referidos a este concierto se daran a conocer muy pronto en el website de Vega168.